

发布时间:2017-08-23    来源:亮宝艺术网

   根基於藝文底蘊深厚的台灣苗栗,因有感於唐朝為中國歷史上文化及工藝技術最為繁榮興盛之時期,取「唐豐」為名,期能在距唐朝千年後的今日,結合亞洲極緻工藝與現今藝術思維,將當代藝術持續推廣予喜愛藝術的藏家們。 Based in the city of profound culture, Miaoli, Taiwan, named after the Tang dynasty, which is the most prosperous period in Chinese history when arts and crafts fully flourished. Today, Tang Feng Gallery aims to combine the exceptionally fine Asian craft with present-day art concept so as to introduce the unique beauty of contemporary art to collectors and art lovers all over the world.

联 系 人:林怡君

地  址:苗栗縣苗栗市站前1號15樓之7

电  话:+886-37-263-666

邮  箱:tangfenggallery@gmail.com

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